
We would love to grow our family and it has become clear that it is not going to happen naturally. This is our journey….

For most couples, making the decision to get pregnant is a very exciting time. Month after month nothing was happening for us and we were becoming increasingly disappointed. In July, we finally decided enough was enough so I searched for a new OB. I did my own research and decided to go with a clinic that was nearby home and also has a focus on infertility. It turns out I could not have possibly found a better doctor. She listened to me right from the get go and after our initial appointment she immediately got me in touch with their infertility specialist and we began our infertility work up. Test after test was coming back just fine – that is, until I had the HSG done. This is a test where they insert a catheter through your cervix and into your uterus (yes, it is just as painful as it sounds) they inject it with a dye and take x-rays so they can get a good look at your uterus. Immediately, the doctor knew something was wrong. First, only half of the uterus filled with fluid and then the dye would not flow into my tube. After forcing it, they were finally able to get it to go through. The doctor explained to me that I have a unicornuate uterus – esentially I only have the left side of my uterus, one tube and 1 ovary that they could see. As you can imagine, I was incredibly disappointed!! How am I ever going to have a baby with only half of my baby making parts…

We went back in and met with our doctor to go over the results of everything we have had done up until this point. She also was not encouraged by the results but was not willing to just give up – she referred us to an IVF clinic. In September we went to a seminar at RMIA – the infertility clinic in close to home. It was a very informative 2 hour seminar all about IVF. We even got a few minutes one on one with the doctor who was presenting and he felt confident in our chances of getting pregnant with IVF. I thought he would try to “sell” their services to us, but he was very honest – he said, it may not happen the first time, but he was confident it would happen.

We made an appointment to go in and meet with a doctor at RMIA. She talked a lot about using a surrogate – WHAT?!?! She clearly does not know what kind of control freak I am. I told her that if this is a road we are going to go down, I am going to carry this baby on my own! She said that we could, but that I would have to have a laparascopy done – they wanted to get an “inside” look at what is going on. We agreed that is couldn’t hurt and that we wanted to do what we can to have the best chance at this working. We also inquired about a warranty program they offer. Since the other doctor was not confident it would happen on the first try, we wanted to ensure we have more than one try – our doctor was not willing to take the risk since one of the qualifications is a “normal” uterus. She was not willing to approve us, but agreed to talk to the other doctor – he approved us! Another hurdle cleared!

We have decided to share our story with others because there are so many people going through similar things and there are very few places to turn for information and support. We have gone through some very emotional times already and there may be more in our future, but we feel like we are finally on the right track! Our hope is that we can help others with everything have already learned.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Kath says:

    I am excited for you both that everything has worked out in order for this journey to be possible. Im relieved that all of your health reports are normal. That is very good news. The future looks promising for you guys.

  2. Sacha says:

    Chin up buttercup(s)…I know it sounds corny but you must remain positive….and hopeful! From my family to yours, I wish you guys the best! 🙂

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